Leadership Check List

Hey my Clovers!

I’m including a leadership checklist that outlines the key steps to becoming a strong and effective leader:

Be open & transparent:

Honesty and transparency are the two things that will bring a team together and keep them focused on doing the best job possible. By being upfront about deadlines, project expectations, and where the company is headed, you’ll be able to keep your team members focused and excited to work on projects with (and for) you.

Be Available:

Practice communication at all times and be willing to learn from your mistakes. Remember that all communication should be done with clarity, detail, and honesty. In addition, be open to listening to alternative ways of getting a project done.

Become Adaptable:

Improve your adaptability by reminding yourself that you can handle disappointment and by learning to make contingency plans. Always plan ahead!

Motivate, Inspire & Encourage:

Build your team by recognizing the danger of trying to do everything yourself and choosing team members who have the skills and experience you lack.  Allow room for them to share creative feedback and fully utilize their talents.

Become Strategic:

Learn how to think strategically by outlining your goals and identifying the practical steps you need to take to achieve them.


Delegate skills by assigning tasks that don’t require your personal attention to the team members best suited to do them.#

All my best,

Cloé Luv

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