About Cloe Luv
I pride myself on being a modern-day renaissance woman. My foundational background in the music and entertainment industry as the CEO of Brook Brovaz has helped me thrive in any environment and take my expertise into the corporate world. With two Masters’s degrees, in Business Entertainment (MS) and Public Administration (MPA), I have developed a unique patent with my Success Academy, but this is just one of my many offerings.
My vision is to help others find their purpose, attain wealth and create timeless brands by combining my extensive education, decades of hands-on experience, and elite professional network, I have supported hundreds of entrepreneurs in their journey to success and helped their businesses excel.
My client list includes some of the biggest names in the business such as Bloomberg, Playboy, NYC Mayor’s Office, and many more. I have helped hundreds of businesses secure millions of dollars in funding, funding that helped them expand, helped them survive the pandemic, and even helped them scale..
In addition, I am also the founder of Cloé’s Corner, a coworking and business center that focuses on entrepreneurship, financial literacy, capturing wealth, health, and networking as well as Women with Voices, a women empowerment 501c3 nonprofit.
I am a wife, a mother, a sister to many women who aren’t blood, a mommy, AND a daddy’s girl. A lover of battle rap because you need to show up fresh and new every time.
Culture of how business people and brands are, a lover of aesthetics and the color red, a Sagittarius, a sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, the inspiration for my lucky 4 leaf clover symbol.
This is only the beginning of my journey and I would love for you to stick around to see it!

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