Banish limiting beliefs for good

Hey, my Clovers!

The good thing about identifying your limiting beliefs is that now, you can use two simple steps to change them.


I want you to start by taking each limiting belief and rewriting it to put a positive spin on it.

For example, say that you wrote:

I believe that it’s too late for me to be successful.

Your rewritten version might look like this:

I have a lot of life experience that will help me along the road to success.

Your new statement should take a potentially negative thing and turn it into a positive one.

Think of it as finding the silver lining in your limiting belief.

You may write a few versions for each belief until you find the right one.

Take your time and choose the one that’s the most inspiring to you.

Now – and this is the tricky part – you’ve got to commit yourself to act as if your new statements are what you truly believe.

I know that’s not easy. And it may boil down

to a version of “fake it ‘til you make it.”

And guess what?

There’s nothing wrong with that!

You might want to put your new beliefs on

Post-It notes and stick them on your computer monitor or desk.

You might want to turn them into mantras or affirmations.

The key is to be persistent with them.

Remind yourself daily, and before long – your new, positive, limitless beliefs will be the things that drive you toward the success you deserve.

All my best,

Cloé Luv

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